Legal Disclaimer

Legal Disclaimer

Bloom, Lines LLC provides the information on this website as a benefit and service to clients and potential clients and the public. While the information on this website deals with legal issues and issues related to the practice of law, it is not legal advice. If you have specific questions related to information available on this website, you are encouraged to consult an attorney who can investigate the particular circumstances of your situation.

Although Bloom Lines LLC attempts to keep information on this website current and accurate, due to the rapidly changing nature of the law and the firm’s reliance on information provided by outside sources, the firm does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the content on this website or on other sites to which it links. Links are provided for the convenience of our users, and are not intended to be referrals or endorsements of the linked entities.

By viewing the information presented, the user expressly assumes all risks that the information presented may be outdated, inaccurate, incorrect, or inapplicable and all damages which may be incurred by virtue of relying upon any of the information presented on this website, or any links from this website, or damages incurred for any other reason, are the sole and absolute responsibility of the user. Your use of this site and its resources acknowledges your understanding of, and your agreement with, this statement. In no event will Bloom Lines LLC be held liable to any party for any damages arising in any way out of the availability, use, reliance on, or inability to use this website or any information provided by or through the Bloom Lines LLC website, or for any claim attributable to errors, omissions, or other inaccuracies in, or destructive properties of, any information provided by or through this website.

Any content of this site is copyrighted and may not be reproduced for any commercial purpose without the prior express written consent of Bloom Lines LLC.