Georgia Alimony Attorneys

Alimony is financial support paid to a former spouse for his or her maintenance. It is not the same as child support. Alimony can be agreed upon or awarded on a temporary or permanent basis, and it can take on a variety of forms. Unlike child support, there is no mathematical formula for calculating alimony.

Attorneys with Years of Experience Handling Cases Involving Alimony in Georgia

At its core, alimony is financial support paid to a former spouse for his or her maintenance either while the case is pending, or following the finalization of the divorce. Alimony can take on a variety of forms, such as lump-sum alimony which is a one-time payment from one spouse to the other, or periodic alimony, which is monthly payments to the former spouse over a specified period of time (it is also the most common form of alimony in Georgia). Alimony is often a hot-button issue for many spouses facing divorce, as both are facing new uncertainties and wish to provide as much financial stability for themselves as possible. Georgia, however, does not use a mathematical formula in determining whether to award alimony, which makes the need to have an attorney assist you with this process even more paramount. For example, the following are just some of the factors a court considers when determining whether alimony should be awarded at all, the amount of the alimony obligation, and over what period of time the alimony must be paid:

  • The standard of living established during the marriage;
  • The duration of the marriage;
  • The age and the physical and emotional condition of both parties;
  • The financial resources of each party;
  • Where applicable, the time necessary for either party to acquire sufficient education or training to enable him or her to find appropriate employment;
  • The contribution of each party to the marriage, including, but not limited to, services rendered in homemaking, child care, education, and career building of the other party; and
  • The financial condition of each spouse, including the separate estate, earning capacity, and fixed liabilities of the parties.

Again, those are just some of the factors a court considers when contemplating alimony, and Georgia law provides the judge or jury wide latitude to determine the appropriate amount of alimony, if any, and the duration the alimony obligation will continue.

Our experience representing clients in countless cases involving claims for alimony has provided us with valuable insights into how to mold and shape our presentations to the court to satisfy the court’s need to inquire into the various factors listed above, and ultimately lead to a successful outcome. Like with all issues involved in divorce and family law cases, there is no one-sized fits all approach, and the guidance and counsel of a seasoned attorney with experience handling these types of cases can be the biggest factor of all in determining whether you may ultimately be successful in your claim for, or against, alimony.

We look forward to hearing from you to begin the process of helping to protect your financial future.

Seeking alimony can be stressful, and that’s why we are available to help you during this difficult time. We encourage you to seek legal counsel to ensure that you receive all that you deserve.

Contact the experienced alimony lawyers at Bloom Lines & Lines for more information.


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